I think that is only way to keep in touch with my friend, using "Facebook". That is because now, I am so busy, that is so hard to get together. "Facebook" can help me to keep updates about my friends. I can see the photo about their recent travels. I can share their travel tours. Also, I can know what they are busy with from their status text in Facebook.
Three Parties during last weekend
Friday – on work mates’ BBQ.
Sat – a friend’s Just Married Party
Sunday – Church Family gathering!
I am very very tired. I will sleep by 10pm tonight.
But Now, I need to catch up my studies
我相信我們已經是"劍仔"的末代玩家。現在的小朋友也許從來沒有聽聞什麼是"劍仔"。 "劍仔"是用塑膠制的中國古代武器,如鎗、劍、大刀等等,但只是如手指般小,不是像實物般大的,所以稱為"仔"。我還記得是去文具店買的,花了十一元。已經可以吃一碗窩蛋牛肉粥的。
至於,玩法是各人都不同的, 大家可以發揮孩童的創意。我們學校是好像玩"公仔紙"一樣的玩法,雙方拍起"劍仔"。那方的"劍仔"押在另一方面的,就是勝利,可以拿了對的"劍仔"。
Very tired….
I got up before 6am. So many things to do. Moreover, I am trying to finish the job before fri.
Tried self-checkout in Big-W
Last Sat, I went to Big-W for buying a fan. Well, I did a new things. I tried self-checkout. If you choose to pay by ETPOS(Australian version EPS), then you will be able to hanle by yourself. Scan the bar code and then pay, that is. But I paid by Credit Card, so a staff need to check the signature with the my card. Generally, it can save my time to line up, there was just myself in the self-checkout, no one use that.
I passed the ms exam!
I passed the ms exam! Now I can have a little break. I have gone to gym and had a relaxing evening
Tired, I need to go to bed now
Tired, I need to go to bed now!
I have worked for 8 hours + study for 4 hours.
I really need to sleep now!
Slow speed internet
I have over my download limit. Thus, my internet speed is capped. Very slow!