Learning English again
I got back my grammar book from the bookshelf.
I started to read and do exercises in the book.
I really want to improve my English/
I got back my grammar book from the bookshelf.
I started to read and do exercises in the book.
I really want to improve my English/
I felt myself lost the sense of personal touch.
I have no feeling during the sharing.
I felt I am distancing myself from the others.
I found a old hard disk last week and I got it back to function on this thu.
I found a lot of photo. Somethings I have forgot in disk is in this hard disk too.
Somethings old , somethings have been passed away,those things are flashing in my brain again!
I went to gym and went home. After that, I had an hour sleeping. That’s so great!
Next wed, that is Anzac day.
Moreover, I have applied two days off on THU – FRI.
Included weekend, I have 5 days off/
We went to Bryon Bay on last Saturday.
This is the most eastern point of Australia Main Land.