Getting old.

I felt I am getting old again. One of my best friends , Daphne, will back to Hong Kong very soon. I know her for around 7 years. 7 years ago, she just entered University. That was just a young girl. Yeah, now, she has been worked in a Hospital for  two years.  So many memories, time has been gone so fast.

No Mood to eat

Last night, I was so tired.

I just only bought a meal from Mcdonald to eat.

Tonight, I only had a cold noodle, I bought from Sunnybank yesterday.

I am completely no mood to eat and cook.

I hope tomorrow my mood will get better.

Team work and experinces are more important

I have been in work force for around three to four years. I have worked in a small firm, start-up firm and medium size company. Well, I have learned a lot  from my colleagues.  I have done alright during studies. I believed I am able to use my talent to do a great job. After these years, I understand my talent is nothing. I need to work with other people. And a lot of things need to build up. There are no such thing call “Rocket Science”.

Spiderman 3

I saw Spiderman 3 today.I read a number of articles said it got a good box office in USA and Hong Kong. So I think that was good before I had entered the cinema. That wasn’t too bad. Special Effect is excellent. I just felt the script is not strong enough. Overall, that is alright and worth to enter cinema. The special effect really needs to be on a big screen.

a full weekend again.

I have not a full good weekend again for some months.

This weekend is good. I did some basic setting for my cell group in church.

I started to  prepare my 2nd SQL exam.

I did the house cleaning.

Moreover, I went to gym on both days.

Today, I saw Spiderman 3 too, but it is not too good on my own opinions.





