
我近來閱讀”百年兵器檔案”,看到蘇聯的T-34與德國的”豹”坦克之別。”豹”坦克比T-34精密,但是在5年內,T-34 已經生產了40000輛,”豹”坦克只是5500餘輛。結果以數量取勝。那使想起現代經濟中,是否那種策劃應用在現代社會中。我們是否以低檔次的產品。關鍵是否我們可以40000件的利潤勝5500餘件高檔次的產品呢?

Thanks! Kelvin

I dropped my car to service this morning. I planned to pick it up after work. This evening had a heavy rain. Ok, this was not good. I dropped my planned to go to there by bus. I was going to take a bus to Garden City and then taxi to there. So luck, I bumped into Kelvin. He said he could drop me to there. So Great!




Sunday ,10:10 pm

Now is  Sunday 10:10pm. I am bit sad about this moment. My weekend will be ended soon. Tomorrow, I need to go work again and I am tired after my weekend life. I still have a lot of uncompleted person tasks. I still need to do those tasks after my work during weekdays.

So tired!