
今天晚上,在教會聚會,拿一本聖經公會出版的中文聖經。文字是由左至右,直行書寫。給我一種家鄉的感覺,不是因看到中文書而是,那種印刷的格式。其實, 中文的書寫向都是左至右,直行書寫的。只是近這三十年多,我們用英文的書寫格式來寫中文的。電腦文書處理普及之後,更受影響,基本設定就是英文的書寫格方的。




聖經有很多道理都是"知易,行難"。可以去說多堂動聽的道,也說出天國在人間的完美世界,但行出來行,就好像有千斤的擔子在肩上的,寸步難行。就以愛人如己來作例,不談愛仇敵,就愛自己喜歡的人都已經很難。工作已經很忙,有空閒的時間,只想去睡。分時間給朋友及家人真是十分困難的事。所以開始明白要靠 神去幹。

My new glasses

My new glasses

This is my new glasses. This is a new complete style. My old one is very uni-student look.

But a sister in our church, Maggie said, I looks older after I am with my new glasses.

Dinner Time

Normally, I don’t spend more than half hours for dinner. The major reason, I usually eat my dinner with myself. My dinner time is purely for eating. So, I can finish within this small amount of time. Moreover, I am always too busy, I don’t have mood to enjoy my food.

FaceBook – 37 friends

Hey, I got 37 friends. All of them are my old friends. Well, they are not all of friends met during these 7 years in Australia. I have met at least a hundred of people. Well, I met much more people than the time I was in Hong Kong.



