A tasty night

I did a oven cooking today again. Yesterday, I bought a pawn filo from woolworth. Moreover, I went to woolworth today again. I found the chicken pie is on special too. $5 for 8 pies! Thus, I used these two for my dinner. The filo I added cheese and beans  on top too. For pie, I only put a pie into the oven, that is it.


Overall, $5 for a great dinner.


New view with Brisbane Square

I took this photo after the completion of Brisbane Square re-development. The tallest building at the middle of photo is the Brisbane Square. This is one of the newest landing building in Brisbane. Moreover, the new Brisbane City Library is located in there too.



反之,在澳洲,只要到海邊就有海鷗的。 (照片:是拍於Red Cliffee 2006 12月 )


聖經有很多道理都是"知易,行難"。可以去說多堂動聽的道,也說出天國在人間的完美世界,但行出來行,就好像有千斤的擔子在肩上的,寸步難行。就以愛人如己來作例,不談愛仇敵,就愛自己喜歡的人都已經很難。工作已經很忙,有空閒的時間,只想去睡。分時間給朋友及家人真是十分困難的事。所以開始明白要靠 神去幹。

My new glasses

My new glasses

This is my new glasses. This is a new complete style. My old one is very uni-student look.

But a sister in our church, Maggie said, I looks older after I am with my new glasses.