Home Sweet, Sweet Home
Yesterday, I left my office at 4.30pm. Then I took a train to airport and a flight to Brisbane. Around 10pm, I finally arrived at home. So So Tired. I was exhausted!
Yesterday, I left my office at 4.30pm. Then I took a train to airport and a flight to Brisbane. Around 10pm, I finally arrived at home. So So Tired. I was exhausted!
I am preparing a MS exam. I was off around 6pm and got fuel for my car. Then I had dinner at 7.30pm and doing my online traing at the same time. So tired!
I am so tired, but I am off today. That is busier than my normal day. I have arranged a gardener to come on Friday. Moreover, a security system service happened on this morning. After that, I went to IKEA and Gym. Moreover, I bought a USB turner. I did some many things.
I believe we cannot easre our past. Even we go to a place no one knows ourselves, but there are always somethings to remain our past. Maybe, that is because I cannot let the things go. Well, even I can let it go. We still are who we are. We are only building a new version of "past". Stay positive, we can learn from our past. The new version will be better than old one.
I am an Internet Person. The very first things I did this morning. Turn on my computer, get online, checking email and facebook. Crazy?
I went to Brisbane from Sydney tonight. There were a long queue for check-in tonight. Orginally, I guess there are some IT system problems, because Virgin Blue will charge for every luggages, therefore, they need to change the system for the new measurement and only a few counters opened. I am an IT people, I clear know about any changes will be very high risk for bugs/system error. But after I was on flight, they said that is because of bad weather.
I did a massage session today and I put my claim into Medibank today. There was a problem. The claim could not be processed. Because the invoice for the session was in my preferred name, not in my real name. All of my documentations have not my preferred name. The medibank was refusing that, becuase the inovice was not in the correct name. I think that is reasonable.
Why did it cause the problem? Why don’t I use my real name? Because my name is a chinese name and translated into the english characters. That is hard to my english speaker. So I have a preferred name,Michael. That is easy for them to call me and remember me.
I am 28 years old. Actually, I was growing up with a TV. Watching TV is the most entertaining activity. Can we be defined a "TV Generation"? I don’t think now. Once a point of time, we were a "TV Generation". But not now, we used to spend a lot of time in front of TV. But now, I believe we spend more time in front of computer rather TV. I watch the news from my computer instead of TV. We are entertained by computer games, instead of drama on TV. I believe we should be defined as an "Internet Generation" now!