Maybe, I don’t love to do any more , just because I got used to do.
Maybe, I don’t love to do any more , just because I got used to do. That is more than 7 years. But I am still keep to thinking about it. I think I just get used to do it!
Maybe, I don’t love to do any more , just because I got used to do. That is more than 7 years. But I am still keep to thinking about it. I think I just get used to do it!
I was very very busy this week. I have worked until very very late during this week. I am very very behind the schedule.
Well, I will work tomorrow as well, I hope I can get some done.
Last night, there was an hour delay for my flight schedule. I left office at 4.45pm, Sydney Time. When I arrived home at 10.00pm(therefore, 11pm Sydney time). More than 5 hours on the trip!
I went TechEd 2008. I saw a Microsoft Platform, which is multi-touches interface. You can zoom-in and out the map by your hand
Another box again! I put a box of old lecture notes into recycle bin!
I started to jogging or gym everyday.That seems to be getting better. I am not that easy to get tired. Moreover, I can reduce the amount of coffee I drink everyday.
I am trying to improve my health. So, I started to jog today. I will try to keep it everyday.