So relax
I went to a gym this morning. I had around 1 hour workout. And I backed to home and had a hot shower.
So relax!
I went to a gym this morning. I had around 1 hour workout. And I backed to home and had a hot shower.
So relax!
The stock market is just higher, S&P/ASX200 is 4018, 11 points higher. It was dropping when I checked that before I went to lunch.
There was around 36 degree this afternoon. I was thinking whether I am in Nothtern Queensland rather in Sydney. So hot. But after 6pm, the weather was getting cold. It should be around 20 degree.
I planned to dinner with friends at Eastwood at 6.30pm. I left home around 5.30pm. An hour time, it should be enough. But I spent 15 min for lining up to buy a ticket. Then I missed a train. That should be only a bit late. I need to wait for the other one on next 10 min. Moreover, the train was late. That was around 5 min to 10 min late. I have spent around extra 30 min. OK, I missed the dinner! I put more more extra time next times.
This evening, I have passed the Apple Shop at George St. There was a live brand preforming in there. The songs seems to be a kind of hip hop. That is not my taste. Anyway, there were a lot of people listening the songs.,27753,24576575-462,00.html
ASX200 – 4001.1. Just over 4000 points. This is a good news for all share holders
Financial industry is the key business in Hong Kong. So, this crisis, Hong Kong got hit directly. Some people has asked can we have other industries to provide Hong Kong economic. I think Creative Industry is worth to support. I read a lot of Hong Kong Magazine are very bright and colorful. Moreover, Hong Kong Product Designers are very a creative as well. They gave a lot of added value in the product. For example, I have seen a lot of fancy speakers in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong people are good at turning around. Most of Hong Kong people are full of ideas in their head! Support Creative Industry in Hong Kong. This is not a joke.
Yesterday, someone recommended me to buy aussie share. He said that is cheap. For long term, the market will be up again. He gave me the chart of ten years stock market. The market was up and down. But that is higher than ten years. I believe for long term, I can earn the money if I buy some share and sell ten years later. But Now, Cash is king. I really don’t know which stock is good.
Since Monday, the weather is hot and getting warmer!
ASX dropped again. And the volume is very low. For exchange, Aussie dollar to US is low today.