
出了來做事已經四五年了,我學懂了一個道理。 失敗是遊戲的一部分。失敗是人生中,常遇到的,比成功是來得更"正常"。既然,是"正常"的,倒不如用笑臉來面對。




平安到步,回到 Brisbane.Sydney 的天氣很差,航班推遲了一個半小時。我已經很倦了。不過,最糟的事,起飛不久,已經有公佈,因為有可能遇到氣流,所以沒有熱飲供應。我已經心開始驚起來了。之後,我還感到機身搖晃。好怕、好怕、好怕!之後,機長在公告,"ALL CREW PLEASE SIT!"我已經在想會不會有事的。我想好不好提意找一個機場降落,明日再飛。但我知道,我根本沒有專業知識去解決問題的。我什麼也不可以幹。好吧!我忘了我可以祈禱的。我開始平靜下來。在餘下的大半小時的機程,我都是不時祈禱,當機身搖晃,立刻祈禱。平安到步Brisbane 之後,我內心說一句,我不可以沒有 神,我不能靠什麼!

I will miss Sydney

Maybe, I do not need to travel for work anymore. I can stay at my home for longer term. That is good. Home Sweet, Sweet Home. During this year, I have not much time at home. But I will miss Sydney. I know a number of good friend. Maybe, I will travel to Sydney for holiday at least one per year because of the friend in here.

Retail Industry has responsed, Discount, Discount, Discount

I got a number of discount vouchers during last few weeks. This afternoon, I had a lunch with my friends in Sydney. They got a lot of discount vouchers as well. I think Retail Industry has realized the market is not very good.

By the way, please be careful, you got an email claimed as a discount voucher and asked you to sign up your details. One of my friends said some of them are faked. Your details may be stolen. please be careful!