Mutli-Touches Screens
At The Skydeck of Melbourne, there is a projector screen which seems to have mutli-touches functions. It will create some ripple at the place your hand on.
At The Skydeck of Melbourne, there is a projector screen which seems to have mutli-touches functions. It will create some ripple at the place your hand on.
不知您是否Flinders Street Station 是 天作之合場景之一。它是位於Flinders及Swanston Streets 的交界。已經有百多年的歷史。及非常有歐陸色彩。
Actually, that is one of reasons I came to Melbourne this times, meeting up an old friend. We know each other for around 8 years. He is one of very very first group of people I met in Australia. They have not met for around 3 years. I missed him a quite lot. But there were some indicents happened to delay our meetings at Melbourne. At the first day, we planned to have a lunch after I landed to Melbourne. But he has changed his shift on that day. So, we could not meet up. Then we planned to have lunch after the worship. Then the battery of his car was not working and he could not get his car running.Finally, we had one hour delay but we can met up. That is very good meeting. After the general geeting, I said "We have not met for years, I am getting older a lot now." We talked our recent changes, some of our friends and church life. Moreover, there were a lot of sharing about our good memories at past, the time we were at the fellowship in Brisbane. That was a very very great time.
I am so tired. I am busy with a lot of things. E.g. house cleaning and reading books…..