No feelings.
Tonight, a friend told me he got a full-time job. My head told me I should be very happy and congraduate him. But I have no feelings at all. I knew about the news, and felt that is so distance to me. Maybe, I was so tired at that moment. Or, I have locked myself in a room for such long time. I have spent a lot of my personal things and reading books.
I need a real holiday.
Today is a holiday in Australia. I am so busy. I was busy with gym and cleaning my house. I have non-stop tasks since noon up to now (7:50pm).
I received a call from my friend today.
He will get wedding very soon. Well, I have attended another wedding two weeks ago. Yesterday, I got a friend in Hong Kong, she got married……..
I am 26 years old. Maybe, this is a good age to get marry…..
中國人有一句說話:「人生不如意事,十常八九。自己近來也不是十分心開心。但今日,牧師證道提及”遇 亨 通 的 日 子 、 你 當 喜 樂 . 遭 患 難 的 日 子 、 你 當 思 想 . 因 為 神 使 這 兩 樣 並 列 、 為 的 是 叫 人 查 不 出 身 後 有 甚 麼 事 。”傳道書7:14
我們常常看事那是否合自己的意,我們沒有那事是否合神的心意。是否 神那事來造就我們。
我想當事件發生時, 神怎樣看。
noon 找地方,想希望可以找更多居所。
1:30 午餐
2pm 去超市
3-5pm church
5-7pm programming
7-10pm dinner and dinner washing
10-now reading